B. inggris isilah lanjutan cerita tersebut dengan genre fiksi/fantasi, menggunakan bahasa inggris

once upon a time, there is a kingdom ruled by king alexander. he had a son namely prince william, he was handsome whose hobby was hunting. one day, planned to go hunting with his guards. he went to the south of his palace and come into the deep wood. .....?

isilah lanjutan cerita tersebut dengan genre fiksi/fantasi, menggunakan bahasa inggris

once upon a time, there is a kingdom ruled by king alexander. he had a son namely prince william, he was handsome whose hobby was hunting. one day, planned to go hunting with his guards. he went to the south of his palace and come into the deep wood. .....?

once upon a time, there is a kingdom ruled by king alexander. he had a son namely prince william, he was handsome whose hobby was hunting. one day, planned to go hunting with his guards. he went to the south of his palace and come into the deep wood. after a while he and his guard feel tired and decide to take a rest, he found a hut in the middle of the valley. prince william was really curious about the hut, so he walk inside to the hut. it's locked, he tell his guard to take some wood to open the door. the wood opens the door then prince william come in, what a surprise, he see the flower that really beautiful, he took the flower from the stem. suddenly a root appears out of nowhere, prince William and his guard got stuck there, prince william shouting out for help. then a beggar girl heard prince william help, with her magic power she help prince william and his guard. prince william and his guard down safety, prince william feel so thankful to the beggar girl. prince william invite her to the kingdom and give her some food to eat. after a while, prince william tell king Alexander that he was saved by the beggar girl, king Alexander give the girl really big gemstone, so she can survive in this village.

#maaf kalo grammarnya kurang tepat
